Matrimony Triptych

May 4th 2013 starred the third wedding i’ve attended in six months. I mentioned these upcoming nuptials when showing off the last wedding card i’d crafted… you can see where this is going.

Turner's Card
Being Doctor Who fans, Mr Turner’s holding a Sonic Screwdriver.

As the Turners had been raving about Matilda the Musical, their card is in the style of Quentin Blake, famous for illustrating Roald Dahl’s children’s books. Like the time I made that Master System cover, it was interesting to actually try and reduce proficiency, making lines sloppier and slipping some colour outside them.

With the above addition, the trilogy of watercolour wedding cards is complete. Behold!

Dignams card, Turners card, Wests card.
Left to Right: Dignams card, Turners card, Wests card.

All three cards were gifts. They were also one of a kind. So, how did I manage group shots for this blog post and my portfolio?
Answer: Clones.

Turner's Cards, genuine and copy
Left: The genuine article. Right: A BIG FAT PHONY.

Along with earlier photo-shoots as each one was constructed, I had scanned or taken photographs of the watercolours – these provided the means to reconstruct copies using printouts. Fortuitously, once the clones had been completed I had 1″ of heart ribbon left, and had used the last cream A6 card.

One fact worth pointing out is that the figures on these cards are not only based on the real people, but their real outfits too – not knowing what they’d be wearing on their big days, I delved into Facebook for ‘costume shots’. Compare and contrast if you like.

The couples the cards are based on
Half of them are wearing purple. It must be trendy.