The site now has new information boxes!
OK, so their function is a bit boring, but they’re very important: Not having any easy to find my CV or contact details would be a disaster!
You may have already noticed the new “Social Corner” box on the right, below the Featured Work boxes. Yep, that’s where the Latest Tweets box I mentioned before was going to live, but this box is more sleek and comprehensive. I kept the bird. I like him.
The main event is on my About & Follow me page. Before the valuable info below the blurb was a simple paragraph and a few small images, which along with lacking something to be desired, didn’t stand out as it should. Now all the links are combined into three boxes, and looking sharp! For extra “ooh”, move your mouse over the download links in the left box… I like that code!
p.s.: I made all the icons myself. Some from scratch, some heavily modified from commons images.
p.p.s.: The site background is now darker too. Like? Dislike? Let me know.