In this post i’ll cover this year’s Hourly Comic Day entry, a few tidbits of extra info, a handful of examples from other partakers, and bring up a hithero unmentioned comic batch I did…
Let’s jump right in, and elaborate after: Click the image below, or this link right here, to check out my diary comic for 1st February 2017!
- La La Land is not worth 14 Oscar nominations, but it’s still good, and the soundtrack’s grown on me.
- I saw another 2 ladybirds a few days later…
- The birds on the calendar are Cyanistes caeruleus (Blue Tits).
- My phone said the run took 29 minutes. The next day, Runkeeper said it took 31 minutes. I choose to believe the former.
- I bought a few things with some of the money saved from Dry January: The Lego man arrived first. #TreatYoSelf
- The Legend of La Mariposa #1 is real good. Detailed yet stylish, with real world-building in 20 pages! I’ll pick up issue #2 at the next Thought Bubble.
Every year I remind you that I don’t draw these by the hour. They’re done quickly, but not that quick – It’s just not my way of doing things. Otherwise every panel would be ‘here I am drawing the previous hour’. It’d also cause productivity issues at work…
At least for the last 2 years I’ve had the foresight to pre-prepare pages with blank panels!
Search for the hastag #HourlyComicDay on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. You’ll find a treasure trove of talent… I don’t know how many of these guys do it “properly” (every hour), but if they did, i’m very surprised and jealous.
So, a few random examples of what other people got up to!
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