Better late than never: Hourly Comic Day 2020

So, here we are. A new decade, which brings my tenth entry to the annual Hourly Comic Day!
Two months late.

Two things happened this year:

  1. I went on holiday for 2½ weeks on February 2nd. So I didn’t have the time or inclination there. Also, no ‘scurrying around airports’ diary comic for you!
  2. I lost my drawing mojo. While ideas can still come and go, it’s a great effort to actually sit down and sketch. It’s been a whole year since I last updated this blog as well, never mind overhauling the site itself.

Anyway, there’s nothing like a nationwide lockdown to make you sit in front of a lightbox…

Click below to read this year’s diary comic!

A Stack of Seasonal Sketches

Kate Beaton, Canadian comic artist extraordinaire, regularly doodles diary comics when she goes home to the family for Christmas. They’re all very charming – when it comes to family, you just can’t write this stuff. Click the example below to visit her full gallery, around 40 comics strong!

Beatonna Xmas 2016 comic (sample)
Judging by the frames, I think she draws them digitally.

So last Christmas (2016), laying about with time off and laid up with a wonky hip, I had a go at my own Christmas comics. Same rules as the hourlies – Take notes, draw later.
My final count nearly matched Kate’s: I completed 35 festive comics!

A small sample of six (click to view):

Click here or the image below to go and have a gander!

A cover image lovingly prepared in under half an hour.